
Friday, November 03, 2006

Breaking Christian News - Article Archives

by Aimee Herd : Nov 2, 2006 : Missouri Secretary of State

The deception of Missouri's Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative.

I must admit, upon first reading Amendment 2, it did appear to do just what supporters say, "ban human cloning" and protect stem cell research. However, after studying further, I saw the danger hidden in the 2,100 word "Constitutional Amendment" which apparently won't be included on the ballot itself at voting time.

Yes, the upfront part of Amendment 2 bans "reproductive cloning" . . . however, according to the Life Communications Fund, that kind of cloning, which would result in a fully-grown human baby, is not being done anywhere by anyone. The kind of cloning that would be made a "constitutional right" by the amendment is called "Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer," one of the most common kinds of cloning.

A statement on the "" website reads:

The operation used to clone human beings for research is called "Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer." This involves combining a woman's egg with the nucleus of another living cell. The result is a human embryo. Two weeks later, stem cells are "harvested" from that embryo, and it's destroyed.

Backers of Amendment 2 claim that this isn't "cloning." But practically every scientific authority disagrees with them, including the National Academies of Science and the American Medical Association. And a Missouri Appeals Court Judge wrote in March 2006 that "Nuclear transfer is cloning."

Amendment 2 doesn't actually "ban human cloning." It protects it.

For the rest of the article click below.

Breaking Christian News - Article Archives: "The deception of Missouri's Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative.
I must admit, upon first reading Amendment 2, it did appear to do just what supporters say, 'ban human cloning' and protect stem cell research. However, after studying further, I saw the danger hidden in the 2,100 word 'Constitutional Amendment' which apparently won't be included on the ballot itself at voting time.

Yes, the upfront part of Amendment 2 bans 'reproductive cloning' . . . however, according to the Life Communications Fund, that kind of cloning, which would result in a fully-grown human baby, is not being done anywhere by anyone. The kind of cloning that would be made a 'constitutional right' by the amendment is called 'Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer,' one of the most common kinds of cloning.
A statement on the '' website reads:

The operation used to clone human beings for research is called 'Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.' This involves combining a woman's egg with the nucleus of another living cell. The result is a human embryo. Two weeks later, stem cells are 'harvested' from that embryo, and it's destroyed.

Backers of Amendment 2 claim that this isn't 'cloning.' But practically every scientific authority disagrees with them, including the National Academies of Science and the American Medical Association"


This just goes to show how people are willing to decieve others and flat out lie in the same sentence. The Amendment above is human cloning no matter what kind of scientific term you put on it.

Even Michael J. Fox has said on TV that he has not actually read the amendment contents. So how could he be for it. He is only a pawn being used by others and exploited because of his disease. I know that he would like to have a cure for his disease and I would like to see one also. But not at the price of killing other human beings to do so.

There are only two explanations why someone would be for this amendment
1: They have not read it or do not understand it or
2: They do not care if a human life is taken
And for the later that would be murder plain and simple. Killing a innocent human being is wrong in any context. They can try to hide it in any they want and it is still wrong.


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