Where's the fence

'Where's the fence?' activist asks Congress
Budget amendment 'threatens' border security plan
Posted: December 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
Steve Elliott, the president of Grassfire, says he still wants to know, "Where's the fence?"
Elliott, in a telephone interview, told WND an amendment submitted by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, for the Department of Homeland Security 2008 budget would gut the already-approved Secure Fence Act, which was adopted with the promise hundreds of miles of physical fencing would help secure the U.S. border with Mexico.
But the budget bill now in a conference committee contains the Hutchinson amendment, and Elliott says it simply would drop the requirement for the security project.
The full article HERE
Labels: Grassfire.org, Ignacio Ramos, Jose Compean, WorldNetDaily
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