Democrat Leadership Breaks Promise
Washington Weekly Review Friday, January 5, 2007 Right after their victory in the November 7th elections, the newly-elected Democrat leadership, led by Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from San Francisco, said they would be giving Republicans full participation in legislative proceedings when they took over Congress in January 2007. Unfortunately for the American people, the House Democrat leadership has already broken its promises setting up the scenerio for yet another 2 years of fierce partisanship in the 110th Congress. The ranking member of the the House Rules Committee, Congressman David Dreier, regarding the House Democrats breaking their promises to the American people during the 2006 campaign: "It is totally inconsistent as to what was promised during the campaign process," (as reported on Fox News on January 4, 2007.) House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-MO, was quoted in "The Washington Times" on January 4, 2007, "We think we need to have an opportunity to offer alternatives." Congressman Blunt also said, "In their first one hundred hours of governance, House Democrats will renege on a pledge to fully debate policy alternatives, denying citizens of this country an open, honest discussion of the issues. The House Democrat leadership has announced that they will use the rules of the House of Representatives to stop House Republicans from offering alternative legislation which will allow the Democrats to railroad through legislation quickly so they can claim some legislative victories. The "Washington Post" has castigated the House Democrat leadership in an editorial saying that they are using undemocratic procedures to ram their legislation through the House of Representatives. The "Washington Post" said, "Unfortunately, plans (by Nancy Pelosi) don't include getting those provisions passed in the democratic fashion that the Democrats promised to adhere to once in the majority." Democrat-controlled House of Representatives Set to Railroad Through Tax-Payer-funded Human Embryo Destruction Research Bill Which President Bush Vetoed in 2006/Christian Coalition Will Score Votes on all New 60 Members of House in this Important Vote One of the bills, H. R. 3, which the Democrat-led House of Representatives will ram-rod through next Thursday, January 11th, without any Republican or pro-life input, is a human embryonic stem cell destruction research bill on which President George W. Bush used his one and only veto during his presidency during 2006. H.R. 3 is similar or identical to H.R. 810, which President Bush vetoed last July. And the Republican-led House upheld President Bush's veto. Christian Coalition of America will score in the Congressional Scorecard the vote of all members of the House of Representatives, including the nearly 60 new Members of the House, on this critically-important vote on H.R. 3, which will force American taxpayers to pay for this destructive, useless and immoral research which has produced zero results. On the other hand adult stem cell research has resulted in the treatment of humans afflicted with more than 70 ailments, including non-controversial sources such as umbilical cord blood. ACTION: Call your Congressman (especially if you are a constituent of one of the 60 new members of the House) and call your 2 Senators at 202-225-3121 or you can go to and urge them to vote against H.R.3, the human embryonic stem cell destruction research bill. Massachusetts Legislature FINALLY Votes on Ban on Homosexual "Marriage/New Jersey Democrat Party and Legislators on the New Jersey Supreme Court Trample on N.J. Citizens' Rights and Forced Homosexual Civil Unions on the State of New Jersey/Governor Jon Corzine Signs Bill in December Defying Overwhelming Majority of New Jersey Citizens who are Against Homosexual "Marriages" The Massachusetts state legislature finally voted on Tuesday on a state constitutional amendment banning homosexual "marriage," in the only state in the United States which had state judges force such "marriages" on the citizens of Massachusetts, contrary to a large majority of Massachusetts citizens who oppose such abominations. The measure stilll has to pass another joint legislative session before it can be placed on the November 2008 ballot. The bill will redefine marriage in Massachusetts and put an end to the travesty of judicially-imposed homosexual "marriages" in Massachusetts when the citizens, as expected, vote overwhelmingly in 2008 to ban such "marriages." On July 10, 2006, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court voted unanimously that the citizens of Massachusetts could vote to overturn their 4-3 ruling in 2004 approving homosexual "marriages." Much like the Massachusetts Democrat Party has recently done in the state legislature before Tuesday's vote, defying the majority of its citizens who are against homosexual "marriages," the New Jersey State Legislature, dominated by liberal Democrats, passed a bill in December allowing homosexuals to have civil unions with all the rights of traditional marriages. New Jersey Democrat Governor Jon Corzine also defied the overwhelming majority of New Jersey citizens and signed the bill into law. A recent poll (Eagleton/Rutgers, Oct. 29-31) showed that New Jersey citizens oppose homosexual "marriage" by a margin of 54% to 38%. During the last week of October, the judicial tyrants on the New Jersey Supreme Court dictated to the New Jersey State Legislature that they MUST give homosexual couples the same rights as married heterosexual couples, defying the will of the overwhelming majority of the American people. They stopped short (in a 4-3 decision) of declaring that homosexual couples could "marry" in the State of New Jersey, unlike the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court which in February 2004 forced homosexual "marriages" on the citizens of Massachusetts even without a vote by the people's representatives in the Massachusetts State Legislature. All seven New Jersey Supreme Court justices agreed that the state's constitution requires that homosexual couples be given the same rights and benefits which heterosexual married couples have under New Jersey's marriage laws. Justice Albin wrote the majority opinion, supported by Justices LaVecchia, Wallace and Rivera-Soto, which would permit the New Jersey state legislature to create a parallel legal structure for homosexual couples which does not bear the title of "marriage." However, in the partial dissent by the radical leader of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Poritz -- who was joined by Justices Long and Zazzali -- the title of "marriage" for homosexual couples would be forced on the citizens of New Jersey. Judicial tyranny in America continues at a rampant pace. After the infamous Massachusetts top court's opinion in 2004, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney said, "We've heard from the court, but not the people. The people of Massachusetts should not be excluded from a decision as fundamental to our society as the definition of marriage." This is exactly what the seven judicial tyrants on New Jersey's top court did in October and what the Democrat-dominated New Jersey state legislature did this month and what N.J. Governor Corzine did last month. They defiantly ignored the will of the citizens of New Jersey and forced the state legislators to approve homosexual "civil unions." The "Wall Street Journal" said in an editorial right after the New Jersey Supreme Court's infamous decision: "This (past) week's New Jersey Supreme Court's judicial diktat on same-sex-somethings (name to be determined later) is a remarkable arrogation of power by the judiciary. The court's belief that it is empowered on social experimentation in the field of marriage is embodied in the words --'We have decided that our State Constitution guarantees that every statutory right and benefit conferred to heterosexual couple through civil marriage must be made available to committed same-sex couples .... (our emphasis.)" A total of 27 states have passed state constitutional amendments banning homosexual "marriages." The seven which passed amendments last month are: Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin. The 20 states which have already passed state constitutional amendments, with an average majority vote of 70% for these amendments, are: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Lousiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, Texas and Utah. Christian Coalition state chapters in the 23 states which do not have such amendments will continue to work hard to get such amendments on the state ballots so that citizens in every state in the Union has an opportunity to ban homosexual "marriages." There is no doubt that there is a huge majority in each and every state in the United States in support for traditional marriage between only one man and one woman. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals Panel Sharply Questions Federal Government Lawyer Defending the Federal Communication Commission's New Enforcement Policy Against Profanities in Broadcasts
According to the Associated Press report on December 21st, the broadcasters had challenged the FCC's finding of indecency in regards to a December 9, 2002, broadcast of the Billboard Music Awards in which the "singer" Cher used the phrase, "F__ 'em," and a December 10, 2003, Billboard awards show in which reality show "star" Nicole Richie said: "Have you every tried to get cow s____ out of a Prada purse? It's not so f___ simple." Included in the arguments were references to a January 2003 broadcast of the Golden Globes awards show by NBC when the equally coarse U2 lead singer Bono uttered the phrase "f___ brilliant." A year later, the FCC said the "F-word" in any context "inherently has a sexual connotation" and can be subject to enforcement act. Christian Coalition of America played a major role in getting the United States Congress to increase fines from $32,500 per violation of the decency standards to $325,000 per violation, a 10-fold increase. This bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2006.
One of the judges who kept Mr. Miller -- who was defending the FCC's policy on indecency -- on the defensive, Judge Rosemary S. Pooler, asked Mr. Miller why the FCC had cited a need to protect children from profanities when it had cited no studies finding children were injured by them. |
Federal Judge Rules That High School Valedictorian, Brittany McComb, Whose Microphone Was Turned Off Because She Talked About God and Her Faith in Jesus Christ, Will Be Able to File a First Amendment Lawsuit in Court
Last June 15th, high school senior Brittany McComb, who was the valedictorian of her class, and thus was able to give a speech to the graduating class and the rest of the audience, had her microphone turned off when she began speaking about God and about her faith in Jesus Christ. High school officials at the Foothill High School, in the Clark County School District, Nevada, had attempted to censor her speech beforehand, but as she was delivering her original speech, her microphone was cut off.
As a result of this unconstitutional act on the part of school officials, her attorneys filed a First Amendment lawsuit stating that the school district violated her right to free speech. All she wanted to tell the audience of some 400 fellow students, families and staff, was how her Christian beliefs played played a part in her success. She had finished with the highest grade point average in her high school class. Christian Coalition will follow this case as it winds its way through the judicial system.
Christian Coalition Activists need to Encourage 110th Congress to Pass Both "Net Neutrality" and "Multicast/Equal Access" Legislation to Prevent Discrimination Against Religious Broadcasters /Democrat-controlled Congress Expected to Pass "Net Neutrality"
The lame-duck Republican Senate did not pass a telecommunications bill and thus a "Net Neutrality" provision was not passed in the 109th Congress. "Net Neutrality" is an issue extremely important to America's grassroots organizations and those Americans who want to ensure the cable and phone companies controlling access to the Internet will not discriminate against groups like Christian Coalition of America. Although AT & T recently made an agreement with the FCC that it would agree to "net neutrality" in order to merge with BellSouth Corp. in a $86 billion merger, the agreement only lasts 2 years. Therefore Congress must pass "net neutrality" legislation in order to make it permanent.
It is anticipated that the Democrat-controlled Congress will agree with the position of the recent House Judiciary Committee Chairman, James Sensenbrenner, Republican-WI, and pass a "Net Neutrality" bill during the 110th Congress. If "Net Neutrality" legislation does not pass, consumers will have to pay an additional fee to have a website. The cable/telephone monopoly will be dividing the Internet into a "fast track" and "slow track." Our grassroots, who cannot afford the additional fees, will have to be on the slow track, which will mean that many of our websites will be passed by because the general public will not have the patience to go on the "slow track".
In addition, if a Board member on an Internet Service Provider (cable/telephone monopoly) does not like Christian Coalition of America emails, they can and will block our emails from going out over their server. The Senate telecom bill as it is currently written will harm us from getting our message out. We cannot let the cable/telephone monopoly control the Internet and content.
"Multicast/Equal Access" (formerly called "Multicast/Must-carry") will go a long way to preventing discrimination against religious broadcasters. Without a "Multicast/Equal Access" law, the cable and satellite companies would probably not add new Christian channels and the influence of current Christian channels will be diluted.
Please continue to ask your Members of Congress to support “Multicast/Equal Access” and religious broadcasters. Call your Congressman and 2 Senators at 202-225-3121 or you can go to and email them and let them know we need a “Multicast/Equal Access” and "Net Neutrality" legislation to pass in the 110th Congress.
Please sign our petition and join the Faith & Family Television Task Force at encourage your family, friends and church friends to also sign the petition at our website join the Christian Coalition’s Judicial Task Force, which is dedicated to ending the obstruction of the President's judicial nominees and ensuring that they ALL receive a fair "up or down" vote by the full Senate. There are a number of President Bush's Circuit Court of Appeals' nominees who have not yet received a Senate floor vote. The challenge to confirm President Bush's nominees in a Democrat-controlled Senate will be very difficult and we need your help in doing just that. You will become part of a team of individuals who are committed to being ready on a moment’s notice to take action when obstruction occurs.
Please keep the above issues in prayer. Through prayer and action great and mighty things can be accomplished.
Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”
Please be sure to forward this message on to as many people as possible!
SUPPORT THE CHRISTIAN COALITION Click here to make a secure online donation | Christian Coalition of America P.O. Box 37030 Washington, D.C. 20013 Telephone: (202) 479-6900 Fax: (202) 479-4262 |
Labels: democratic, Nancy Pelosi, November 7th elections, partisanship, republican, San Francisco, The Council on American-Islamic Relations
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