President and DHS oppose the border fence
The following is from
"The 'virtual fence' is virtually useless," says Rep. Duncan Hunter
The recent failure of the highly touted "virtual fence" (that DHS
spent more than $20 million developing) is a slap in the face to
every citizen who has been demanding control of the borders.
But DHS isn't committed to securing the borders. If they were,
they would have followed the mandates of the Secure Fence Act,
and duplicated the barrier built in San Diego.
That 14-mile fence has been extremely effective in lowering illegal
crossings and drug traffic. In fact, apprehensions have decreased
due to fewer crossings. In simple language, the double-layered
fence works.
Hunter is so incensed by the current state of border fencing--
single-layer, and virtual fencing that he’s introduced legislation
demanding that it "restores the most important elements of the
Secure Fence Act," notably 700 miles of double-layered fencing
to be constructed within six months of the bill's enactment.
H.R. 5124 is strongly supported by Grassfire, and should be
strongly supported by every citizen in the nation who is serious
about border security.
I'm thrilled that you have already added your name
to our "Build the Fence As Promised" petition. After just one
week, more than 85,000 citizens have added their name!
I'm asking all members of our team who have already taken action
with us, to do two important things:
++ Action Item #1--Contact your Congressman
After signing, please take a moment to contact your Kentucky
Representative, encouraging he/she to support the Hunter bill H.R. 5124
"Reinstate the Secure Fence Act". When calling, be sure to identify
yourself as a member of
To date, the following 16 members of Congress have added their names as
Bilbray (CA-50) Waite-Brown (FL-5)
Coble (NC-6) Drier (CA-26)
Franks (AZ-2) Gingery (GA-11)
Goode (VA-5) Graves (MO-6
Johnson (TX-3) Marchant (TX-24)
Myrick (NC-9) Poe (TX-2)
Rohrabacher (CA-46) Royce (CA-40)
Saxton (NJ-5) Sullivan (OK-1)
If your Congressman isn't on this list, please call right now,
and urge them to do so. To be quickly connected call the
Capitol Switchboard: 202-226-3121.
If your Congressman is on the above list, call them anyway and thank
them for taking a REAL stand to secure our borders!
++Action Item #2--Alert your friends
Michael in just a few short weeks, Ron De Jong and I will be on
Capitol Hill presenting your petitions to leading members of Congress
who are serious about border security, and I want to overwhelm
them with our petition. You can help us do that by forwarding
this message to 20-30 friends today!
Urge them to add their name to this important
petition calling for the fence to be built as promised
simply by clicking here:
The lack of commitment from the President and DHS will result in either
substandard fencing, or no fencing at all. That's why we are urging ALL
members of our team to sign our petition and take to the phones!
A true solution will only come about if the grassroots voice of
America speaks out!
Thank you for you quick response.
P.S: After signing our petition and making your call, please forward
this message to 20-30 friends and family. Encourage them to sign our
petition by clicking here:
++Help Grassfire Secure the Border:
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