
Thursday, October 08, 2009

Obama ‘Clearly Violated Pledge' that Health Reform Would Make No Cuts to Medicare

“I think there’s no question that CBO is right on this topic,” the former House whip replied. (Budget Chief Douglas Elmendorf) starts off by saying (Obama’s plan) would eliminate Medicare Advantage benefits 25 percent -- or (for) roughly 25 percent of everybody on Medicare, so just the first shout out of the box you know the president is wrong in saying that nobody’s Medicare benefits would be reduced,” Blunt explained.

Read full story HERE

Who does the President think he is fooling? Of course there are going to be cuts to Medicare. Taxes will be raised and put on anything you can imagine.

This from The Cybercast News Service

the article below
Obama ‘Clearly Violated Pledge' that Health Reform Would Make No Cuts to Medicare, Republican Congressmen Charge
Thursday, October 08, 2009
By Karen Schuberg

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