Muslim woman wanted to use a Quran
Quran for courtroom oaths gets green light, lawsuit by ACLU, Muslim woman

A ruling from a state appeals court has reopened a case prompted because a Muslim woman wanted to use a Quran – a book that an expert on Islam says allows Muslims to lie under compulsion – on which to swear her oath of honesty in a court hearing. The lawsuit was filed by Sydiah Mateen with help from the American Civil Liberties Union in 2005 after she was denied permission to use a Quran to take the courtroom oath in a case in North Carolina.
Read News from the Web Online since January 17, 2007 at 06:30:01 AM
This is a very good point made above. This woman wants to swear to tell the truth on a book that tells them to lie! How outrages is this and the ACLU?
For more information on ACLU read my posting titled "ACLU And Communism-Believe It" HERE
Labels: ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, communism, Muslim-American, Quran, Sydiah Mateen
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