
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Texas Mayor Singles Out N-Word for Ban

All I can say to that is good luck. Next he can ban the use of the word cracker. How far will that go?
Is Mr. Corley just trying to make a statement, kinda like they did in the 60's?

Mayor Ken Corley of Brazoria, Texas, has proposed a city ordinance that would make using the word in an offensive fashion a crime equal to disturbing the peace and punishable by a fine of up to $500. But legal experts said it's unlikely the law will stand up to the First Amendment.
Read the full story HERE

Here is what the judge says:"This is government trying to take the easy way out," said Judge Andrew Napolitano, a FOX News legal analyst. "When people use words that are harmful, they lack civility and they lack education, but they don't lack the right to say it."

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