
Monday, January 29, 2007

Nothing Fair About Fairness Doctrine

If the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" is reinstated, it would muzzle conservative talk radio -- or so says the leader of a pro-Israel ministry based in Minnesota. Jan Markell is concerned about legislation afoot on Capitol Hill that would bring back a policy rescinded by Ronald Reagan almost 20 years ago.

Markell says the Fairness Doctrine, if reinstated, would effectively muzzle her program and others like it. She claims the goal of liberals is not balance, but instead to "destroy conservative and Christian media by requiring that each segment of every show contains the counterbalancing liberal viewpoint." She adds that such "draconian hyper-monitoring" would destroy her program.
Read Full Story HERE

Freedom of speech is a constitutional right of every person. If someone wants to talk about something and they are paying for the air time then they should not be told what they have to have on their show.

Some news channels try to have a balanced report on both sides of the issue that they are reporting on and that is a good thing. While other news channels cover everything with a certain kind of bias about it. This is the most common. But in regards to organizations that are paying for their air time then, again, it should be completely up to them whether they choose to have an opponent on their show.

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