
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 - 'Girls Gone Wild' CEO Pleads Guilty to Using Underage Girls - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - 'Girls Gone Wild' CEO Pleads Guilty to Using Underage Girls - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment

This man should get 30 years for his role in this. This is not what I would want put in front of my daughter as a way to make money.

How do so many people get away with a slap on the hand for abusing our young people today?

Is it because there are so many perverts out there wanting this kind of stuff? There needs to be more people going after the people that pay money for this smut. Do away with the demand for it and the supply will decrease.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ohio car dealer drops "Jihad" commercial | Oddly Enough |

Ohio car dealer drops "Jihad" commercial | Oddly Enough |

CINCINNATI (Reuters) - A car commercial proclaiming a jihad on the U.S. auto market and offering "Fatwa Fridays" with free swords for the kids is offensive and should not be aired, Muslim leaders said on Sunday. For the rest of this article goHere
This is before he backed down.

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A car dealership in Ohio has decided not to run a commercial proclaiming a "jihad" on the U.S. auto market, a Muslim activist group said on Monday.

It is OK for suicide car bombers to actually blow themselves up killinnocciviliansiansians for their Jihad but as soon as we make a comment about it in public we are supposed to apologize, I don't think so.

This is a free country, believe it or not, if this man wants to run an add like the one above, go for it. He would not be hurting anyone unlike the real Jihad going on that the Muslims are OK with and supporting.

When is Islam going to stop their violence around the world?

Muslims should be worried about how they are acting and the deaths that they are causing and stop worrying about everybody else's adds and cartoons.

Are Muslims so special that they should be treated any different from anyone else?

Evidently a whole lot of the world thinks so, including the U.S.A.

Every human being should be treated the same and have the same basic rights of freedom that everyone is entitled to.

William J. Clinton Lost It

Come on Bill. Don't get paranoid with the other crazies of the world. We in the U.S. should be together but we are getting further apart. Do not be listening to Dean anymore. He makes you look bad.

Why would you get personal in an interview like that. It is a total lack of control. This will not look good around the world. It falls in there with other country leaders lack of control.

The ex-President must have forgotten where he was. On a national T.V. show. Which, I'm sure will be showed around the world. I wish him well.

To see the video Go Here

Monday, September 18, 2006

At U.N., Bush to focus on democracy in Middle East | Top News |

At U.N., Bush to focus on democracy in Middle East | Top News |

President Bush has a major undertaking tomorrow with this meeting. Most of the members do not like him, to say the least. But he needs to be very confident and decisive on what he says. He does not need to leave any room for interpretation. He must be clearly understood.

A lot of these countries have already met together a week ago. The U.S. was not invited. Does this not look as if those countries are trying to belittle the U.S. ?

The United States needs to start taking away rather than always giving to the countries that did not stand up for us in that meeting. That is all they understand is money. They know that the U.S. will give and give and give and even keep on giving regardless of what is seen from other countries not supporting the U.S.

The United States of America is a country that stands for something but why must we always be politically correct to other nations when our government cannot even get along? We need to get our house in order before we can attempt to help others. Wouldn't you think?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saudi Arabia Imposing Islam to America

Recently I heard some news out of California where 7th grade students had to pray to allah and where taught that Islam is the true religion.

A court has already allowed this and it is now going to the Supreme Court, whether they will choose to here it or not is another issue.

What happened to separation of church and state?

If Christianity where being taught in schools the ACLU would be all over it. But I have not heard a thing.

We have a problem with the basic belief of Islam. Even President Bush said that we, Islam and America, worshipped the same God. That is a false statement and if anyone tells you that he is a liar, plan and simple. Yes President Bush lied. Or is misinformed.

Allah is the god of the moon. That is not the God that Christians worship.

After 9/11 a statement was made by two Islamic leaders that said their god was stronger than America's God. That should tell you that they believe in a god of their own.

After hearing more on the school subject it came out that it was initiated by Saudi Arabia. I have not heard a lot about them in the news. But I would say that they support some that they shouldn't be.
Read Story

Islamic alqaeda leader has said that world domination would be accomplished by 2020.

To see their seven-stage strategy Go Here

Our government is so divided. How on earth can they protect us? We need The White House to quit their school like fighting and get back to work. We need some grown ups in The White House.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | UN 'encouraged' by Iranian talks

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | UN 'encouraged' by Iranian talks


The United States of America does not need the help of the United Nations!

For all the money that is being paid to the U.N., for their budget and also for redecorating and whatever else we may be giving them, the U.S.A. is getting nothing.

Nothing, not a thing, nada, zilch, should be the U.N.'s sales pitch.

We, the U.N., will take as much money as we can get and do nothing of any consequence for you.

Our boarders need to be secured and we need to dissolve the United Nations. That's all!!!

Is that to much to ask?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - Washington State Teacher Won't Shave Beard Until Bin Laden Caught - September 11 | Terrorist Attacks | World Trade Center Attack - Washington State Teacher Won't Shave Beard Until Bin Laden Caught - September 11 | Terrorist Attacks | World Trade Center Attack


This guy is at least doing something.

I would say that if there where a way for us not to pay any taxes until Bin laden is caught we would see him on T.V. being captured in less than 24 hours.

Catching bin laden reminds me of dealing with Iran. A whole lot of talk with no results.

Maybe we need the United Nations to go after him. They could do no worse.

Nobody can tell me that bin laden could not have been caught by now. The United States gives every terrorist organization hope out there because bin laden is still alive and well. It actually gives them a big moral boost and a very good recruiting tool for terrorist.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Iran Knows The United Nations

The six powers agreed in June on a package of economic and political rewards for Iran if it stops enrichment before negotiations, which are meant to achieve a long-term moratorium on the activity.

But the international alliance also warned of punishments — including the sanctions — if Tehran does not halt enrichment. Iran refused to do by the U.N.'s Aug. 31 deadline.

Read Full StoryHere


Iran knows that the U.N. is not going to do a thing. They are taking advantage of this time to get closer to the bomb. It is all just a matter of time. Iran knows that they have the time!

Usama Bin Laden is another issue that needs to be resolved. He needs to be brought to justice no matter what. Our government is letting us down in regards to this. Does anyone think that they could not have captured him by now? There is something behind not capturing him, that we may never know, or it would have been done by now! I do not buy in to all the arguments that have been given to not capturing him, period!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Voting For America's Future

It is time that we get everyone we know to register and vote. The next couple of years could be very critical for us as a nation.

Here is a site that may be useful to us as Christians. I have not taken the time to research anything about it so you will need to look at it closely. I have copied the information below directly from their site.

To go to Click Here


Many Americans know they need to register or re-register, but are putting it off because the presidential election “isn’t until November.” Others choose not to re-register simply because it is a hassle they do not want to deal with, and they know they will not be fined for neglecting to do it (as they can if they do not re-register their car after a move).

What many Christians do not recognize is that the call to vote is clearly stated in the Bible. Dr. D. James Kennedy has said, “It is a sin not to vote. After all, Jesus told us to ‘render unto Caesar’—which includes voting—and when we fail to do as He commanded, we are, by definition, sinning”

The ChristianVotes campaign is dedicated to making sure that evangelical Christians are registered in time to actually vote in this year’s elections.

The campaign is focused on reminding Christians that voting is more than just a civic duty; it is a spiritual responsibility. This, not only because of Christ’s words, but also because voting impacts the shape of America, and not voting in no way negates the responsibility each Christian bears for refusing to take a stand.

ChristianVotes combines the multimedia efforts of each branch of Coral Ridge Ministries to make voter registration and voting simple, effective, and logical.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why Isn't The Media All Over Annan

Mr. Annan, addressing a joint news conference afterwards with the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, said the Mr. Ahmadinejad “reaffirmed his country’s support for the implementation of Resolution 1701 and agrees with me that we should do everything to strengthen the territorial integrity of Lebanon.”
Full Story

This was supposed to be a meeting about the nuclear resolution, wasn't it? Or it could be that Kofi has so many resolutions that are not being adhered to that he will even let us think that he believes Iran when they say this. What a crock.

Why is the media not simply jumping all over this? It should be on every news cast that Kofi Annan has not a clue what to do now. There is no country in the world listening to him. He has no power.

Israel will be the one to have to solve this problem. Wait and see.

Russia and China are in bed with Iran, they will not support anything of consequence that the U.N. may come up with.

The media is so corrupt today that they will not keep up the heat on the U.N. It will be the United States fault, in particular Bush, before long. Bush made Iran not abide to the U.N. resolution. This will be the medias take on the entire situation.

Whenever the media can take the spotlight off of the real problem they always go back to Bush.

It would be in The United States best interest if the media would continue to cover Kofi Annan's work, or lack there of, towards a peaceful conclusion to all the resolutions that the U.N. has passed.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fire Kofi Annan Petition

Annan flew into Tehran two days after Iran failed to meet a U.N. deadline for suspending its enrichment of uranium. Iran now faces the possibility of economic sanctions under a U.N. Security Council resolution approved July 31.

Full Story


Is there one person anywhere in the world that thinks Kofi will get anything done? If someone says yes, they are lying.

How can the United Nations continue to get billions of dollars from us, The United States of America citizens? Yes it is our tax money that goes to this. In the billions of dollars. This could completely stop hunger all around the world yet we are giving it to a organization that does nothing but write a lot of resolutions. They do nothing to follow through with them. They only do the writing part. The ones responsible for the actions of the resolutions have not been found yet.

There is no one being held responsible for Kofi's actions. Can he not be fired? If we can vote now I vote to fire him.

We can start a petition right now. As scared as our politicians are of getting re-elected if the majority would want to fire Kofi I believe it could be done.

Lets start the list right now.

Whoever wants Kofi Annan fired send me a comment and let me know.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Wal-Mart Comes Out Of The Closet

Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, has asked for and received permission to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. The is a leading promoter of homosexual marriage.

Although Wal-Mart has never excluded homosexuals from being employees, customers, or suppliers, the company wanted to be more closely identified with promoting the homosexual agenda. Wal-Mart is now a "corporate member" of the NGLCC, putting their approval on the NGLCC's efforts to abolish the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. A Wal-Mart vice president will serve as an advisor to the NGLCC, helping them promote homosexual marriage.

Wal-Mart agreed to give $25,000 to the NGLCC and to pay for two conferences scheduled by NGLCC. Also, Wal-Mart will give homosexual-owned businesses special treatment when making purchases. Companies not owned by homosexuals will be moved down the list.

NGLCC called Wal-Mart's action "part of the company's ongoing commitment to advancing diversity (homosexuality) among all of its associate, supplier and customer bases."

Wal-Mart is offering the same kind of support for homosexual marriage which Ford Motor Company has been giving to homosexual groups for years.

Read "Wal-Mart Partners With Gay and Lesbian Group"

This article supplied by
American Family Association.