
Friday, October 09, 2009

How To Win The Nobel Peace Prize In Only 12 Days

Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize this morning. Over the last decade the only requirement to win the prize was that the nominee had to be critical of George W. Bush (see Al Gore, Mohamed ElBaradei and Jimmy Carter).

President Obama has broken new ground here. Nominations to win the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize ended February 1. The President took office only 12 days early on January 20.

Let’s take a look at the President’s first 12 days in office from his publicized schedule to see what he did to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize:

January 20: Went to a parade. Partied.

January 21: Asked bureaucrats to re-write guidelines for information requests. Held an “open house” party at the White House.

January 22: Signed Executive Orders: Executive Branch workers to take ethics pledge; Re-affirmed Army Field Manuel Techniques for Interrogations; Expressed desire to close Gitmo (how’s that working out?);

January 23: Ordered the release of federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries. Lunch with Joe Biden; met with Tim Geithner.

January 24: Budget meeting with economic team.

January 25: Skipped church.

January 26: Gave speech about jobs and energy. Met with Hillary Clinton. Attended Geithner swearing in ceremony.

January 27: Met with Republicans. Spoke at a clock tower in Ohio.

January 28: Economic meetings in the morning, met with Defense secretary in the afternoon.

January 29: Signed Ledbetter Bill overturning US Supreme Court decision on lawsuits over wages. Party in the State Room. Met with Biden.

January 30: Met economic advisors. Gave speech on Middle Class Working Families Task Force. Met with senior enlisted military officials.

January 31: Took the day off.

February 1: Skipped church. Threw a Super Bowl party.

So there you have it. The short path to the Nobel Peace Prize: Party, go to meetings, skip church, abort some fetuses, party some more.

Good grief.

Read more Tommy De Seno at

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Obama ‘Clearly Violated Pledge' that Health Reform Would Make No Cuts to Medicare

“I think there’s no question that CBO is right on this topic,” the former House whip replied. (Budget Chief Douglas Elmendorf) starts off by saying (Obama’s plan) would eliminate Medicare Advantage benefits 25 percent -- or (for) roughly 25 percent of everybody on Medicare, so just the first shout out of the box you know the president is wrong in saying that nobody’s Medicare benefits would be reduced,” Blunt explained.

Read full story HERE

Who does the President think he is fooling? Of course there are going to be cuts to Medicare. Taxes will be raised and put on anything you can imagine.

This from The Cybercast News Service

the article below
Obama ‘Clearly Violated Pledge' that Health Reform Would Make No Cuts to Medicare, Republican Congressmen Charge
Thursday, October 08, 2009
By Karen Schuberg

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