
Thursday, August 31, 2006

How Many Secrets Are There?

There is Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, China, Syria, Israel, Afghanistan and others in war or on the edge of war. What is our government not telling us. It seems like in the days of technology that we have today everything is being covered. Or is it?

Why has Bin Laden not been captured yet? But the media is really having a time with Warren Jeffs. That is to not say he needed to be captured and brought to justice. Every media station today has forgotten about Bin Laden. Why wouldn't more pressure be put on our government to capture him? The longer he stays free the stronger his people will become. Do not let them fool us by saying Al Qaeda is no longer organized enough to do any damage. We do not really believe that, do we?

Syria and China have been meeting together. Do you not think that Iran is also in the middle of that? And what is Russia thinking in holding out on punishing Iran.

I think that the United States knows a lot more than they are telling. Is it for our own good? Or for national security? We may never know what all is in play here. If we do find out it will be years from now.

Bin Laden should have been and should be captured immediately. This would be a great win for the U.S. You and I know that it can be done and should have been done long ago. It has been said that the U.S. cannot go in and get him where he is today because it would cause terrible unrest for the government there. I say that his not being caught is causing unrest everywhere else. Why shouldn't they sacrifice the unrest of one country compared to many know?

The United States government, in my opinion, knows a lot more than is out on the table for all to see. Is it all about oil? Is it greed that is running our government? If they where serious about terrorism they would have captured Bin Laden a long time ago.

Think about it.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Officials: Iran Still Enriching Uranium

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has kept enriching uranium despite the threat of U.N. sanctions and a looming deadline to freeze such operations, U.N. and European officials said Wednesday.


How long will it take before the headlines will read:

Nuclear Bomb Explodes in Israel

Millions Killed

Or it may be somewhere other than Israel. If some terrorist organization buys a nuclear bomb from Iran or Iran supplies them with one, where do you think it will end up? I would suggest that it would not be in Israel. If anyone does not think this is a serious situation I hope they wake up before it is to late!

Monday, August 28, 2006

U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris

MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris told a religious journal that separation of church and state is "a lie" and God and the nation's founding fathers did not intend the country be "a nation of secular laws."

The Republican candidate for U.S. Senate also said that if Christians are not elected, politicians will "legislate sin," including abortion and gay marriage.

"If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," Harris said.
Read More

Politicians being to honest? Could it be?

Why would you show your hand like this? I really do not think that she was thinking.

I am not saying that she should lie by no means. But I am saying that she does not have to say everything either. She should have held back some to get into office where she could have done some good.

For some personal reason she has chose to judge everybody else. That is not right. She is boasting of her Christianity and that is a sin. She needs to take a step back and re-group. Not for election, she is done there, but for her personal life. Good Luck Kat

Friday, August 25, 2006

Treasurer Peter Costello, Australia

Australia, specifically Treasurer Peter Costello, needs to be our next president or take Kofi Annas' spot in the U.N.

Treasurer Peter Costello made some comments back in 2005 that I did not hear about and really have never heard of him until today. But today I would vote for him in either spot above. His comments, that I will put in here below, are truly comments that should come from every democratic state all around the world. But no one has the courage to say it but him.

Mr. Costello, I applaud you for knowing what needs to be done and saying it!

This is exactly why the eastern world thinks the United States is weak. No one in authority in the U.S. would dare say anything like this. But they should!

This is The United States of America. This is not





Or any other country.

I agree with his statements below 500% If you come to America you need to learn our laws, our language, respect and hold up our flag, not one of Mexico. I don't care if you are white ,black ,blue, or red. If you want to live here in America do as the Americans do, period.

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American

citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voting the same


Now for Mr. Treasurer Peter Costello's' comments.

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were
told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted
radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders
pledged loyalty to Australia and her Queen at a special meeting with
Prime Minister John Howard, he and his Ministers made it clear that
extremists would face a crackdown. Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir
apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to
leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state,
and its laws were made by parliament "If those are not your values, if
you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then
Australia is not for you," he said on national television.

"I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing

people in Australia: one the Australian law and another the Islamic law,

that is false. If you can't agree with parliamentary law, independent courts,

democracy, and would prefer Sharia law and have the opportunity to go to

another country, which practices it, perhaps, then, that's a better option,"

Costello said. Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced
to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to
move to the other country. Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told
reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should
"clear off. Basically people who don't want to be Australians, and who
don't want! to live by Australian values and understand them, well then,
they can basically clear off," he said.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by

saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's
it. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending
some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have

experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians."

"However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled
when the 'politically correct' crowd began complaining about the
possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against
immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a
better life by coming to Australia." "However, there are a few things
that those who have recently com to our country, and apparently

some born here, need to understand." "This idea of Australia being

a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty

and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture,

our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle."

"This culture has been developed over two centuries of
struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have
sought freedom"

"We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese,

Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to

become part of our society, Learn the language!"

"Most Australians believe in God. This is not some
Christian, right; wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men
and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is
clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the
walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider
another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our

"We will accept your beliefs, and will not question
why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful
enjoyment with us."

"If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like "
A Fair Go," then you should seriously consider a move to another part of
this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change,
and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all
means, keep your culture, but do not force it on others.

we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are
done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our
Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take
advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.'"

"If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force
you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU


Wondering if this is true?Click Here

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Resolution of 11 June 1958

States of America: Revised draft resolution

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution of 11 June 1958 establishing an Observation Group "to insure that there is no illegal infiltration of personnel or supply of arms or other material across the Lebanese borders",

Commending the efforts of the Secretary-General and noting with satisfaction the progress made to date and the encouraging achievements reported by the United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon,

Recalling that the "Essentials of Peace" resolution of the General Assembly of 1 December 1949 calls upon States to "refrain from any threats or acts, direct or indirect, aimed at impairing the freedom, independence or integrity of any State, or at fomenting civil strife and subverting the will of the people in any State",

Recalling that the "Peace Through Deeds" resolution of the General Assembly of 18 November 1950 condemned "intervention of a State in the internal affairs of another State for the purpose of changing its legally established government by the threat or use of force" and solemnly reaffirms that "whatever weapons used, any aggression, whether committed openly, or by fomenting civil strife in the interest of a foreign Power, or otherwise, is the gravest of all crimes against peace and security throughout the world",

Noting the statement of the representative of Lebanon that infiltration of arms and personnel is continuing and the territorial integrity and independence of Lebanon are being threatened, that the Government of Lebanon is the exercise of the right of self-defence has temporarily requested direct assistance of friendly countries, and that the Government of Lebanon requested further assistance fro the Security Council to uphold its integrity and independence,

Noting the statement of the representative of the United States regarding the provision of assistance by the United States to the Government of Lebanon at its request to help maintain the territorial and political independence of Lebanon,

Noting further the statement of the United States representative that United States forces will remain in Lebanon "only until the United Nations itself is able to assume the necessary responsibility to ensure the continued independence of Lebanon" or the danger is otherwise terminated,

1. Invites the United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon to continue to develop its activities pursuant to the Security Council resolution of 11 June 1958;

2. Requests the Secretary-General immediately to consult the Government of Lebanon and other Member States as appropriate with a view to making arrangements for additional measures, including the contribution and use of contingents, as may be necessary to protect the territorial integrity and independence of Lebanon and to ensure that there is no illegal infiltration of personnel or supply of arms or other materiel across the Lebanese borders;

3. Calls upon all governments concerned to co-operate fully in the implementation of this resolution;

4. Calls for the immediate cessation of all illegal infiltration of personnel or supply of arms or other materiel across the Lebanese borders, as well as attacks upon the Government of Lebanon by government-controlled radio and other information media calculated to stimulate disorders;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council as appropriate.


The Security Council on 18 July 1958 voted on the draft resolution as follows:

In favour: Canada, China, Colombia, France, Iraq, Japan, Panama, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America.
Against: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Abstained: Sweden.

You can see this document Here

Lebanon has been going through this for a long time, 48 years. It looks as though that is when the United Nations started with their resolutions to help Lebanon. I think the U.N. has had sufficient time to resolve this situation if they were going to.

If I am not reading this correctly or I am missing something between then and now let me know.

If not, shame on them!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Waiting on Iran Again

By Crispian BalmerPARIS

(Reuters) - World powers are ready to take up Iran's call for talks over its nuclear aims but only if it first suspends uranium enrichment, France said on Wednesday with a U.N. deadline for Tehran to halt the program approaching.

read more


I am sure that France will be tough on Iran once the deadline hits. Tell me again what France is doing. Oh yea, sending two hundred more troops to Lebanon. We wouldn't want them to back out now, would we?

There are to many countries that take U.S. aid for granted. France being one of them. They have forgotten who saved their country for them. Why is it that the U.S. is despised so much by other countries yet they will accept all the help we give them with open arms? Most of them know that we are going to do the right thing and that is why they don't worry about it. If every country would just do the right thing we would not have as many problems.

I will tell you one thing today. The U.S. will have a major attack on our soil again. We just do not know when or how. If people do not start taking this seriously it will be sooner rather than later.

Iran is going to do what they want to do unless someone other than the U.N. does something.

Everyone complaining about the war in Iraq has got our politicians gun shy. They do not want public opinion to hurt their re-election. The media plays a big role in this. Well the media is not our leader and chief, thank God. If it were we would not be here right now.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Iran Setting Up For Smoke Screen


22, 2006 — By Edmund Blair

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran handed over its formal response on Tuesday to a nuclear incentives offer from major powers and said it contained ideas that would allow serious talks about its standoff with the West to start immediately.

more of story

Iran did not agree with the U.N. resolution. Does that actually surprise anyone?

I just wonder if the people involved in working with Iran to try to settle this issue have a brain? Iran is not going to give up anything because they know that no one is going to do anything that would truly harm them. Iran knows that everyone else is weak and they are strong. The United Nations has been the root cause for them thinking this.

Listening to the politicians on T.V. make me sick. They are only worried whether they are going to have a job or not. They do not care about our safety. If they did they would be supporting Bush 100%. Whether they agree with war or not. We are there and cannot back down now. That is just what Iran thinks we are going to do, back down. Would we rather have the war on U.S. soil. I wouldn't.

Hezbollah is also in the background getting ready to draw the attention away from Iran again. What will they do this time? And where?

Monday, August 21, 2006

U.N.: Iran turns away inspectors

Does this really surprise anyone? If the U.N. is involved then there will be failure!

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Iran has turned away U.N. inspectors wanting to examine its underground nuclear site in an apparent violation of the Nonproliferation Treaty, diplomats and U.N. officials said Monday.The

officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the confidentiality of the information, told The Associated Press that Iran's unprecedented refusal to allow access to the facility at Natanz could seriously hamper international efforts to ensure that Tehran is not trying to make nuclear weapons.The

revelation came on the eve of Iran's self-imposed August 22 deadline to respond to a Western incentives package for it to roll back its disputed nuclear program.

The United Nations has given Tehran until the end of August to suspend uranium enrichment.Earlier

Monday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Monday that Tehran will continue to pursue nuclear technology, state television reported.The

supreme leader's remarks also came the day after Iran's armed forces tested surface-to-surface missiles Sunday in the second stage of war games near its border with Iraq. (Full story)

Here are some facts:

Total U.S. Contributions to the UN System,
Both Assessed and Voluntary -
Estimated at $3.0 Billion

Humanitarian/Human Rights - 39%
Environment - 2%
Development - 8%
Weapons of Mass Destruction - 3%
UN Regular Budget - 9%
UN Peacekeeping - 31%
Open Markets - 4%
Health - 4%

*Figures are based on FY 2002, excluding U.S. arrears payment.
Percentages reflect how U.S. dollars are divided within the UN system.

The United States is a generous supporter of key UN programs, funding: of the World Food Program budget to help feed 72 million people in 82 countries.*17.1% of the United Nations Children’s Fund budget to feed, vaccinate, educate and protect children in 162 countries.*14.1% of the United Nations Development Program core budget to eradicate poverty and encourage democratic governance.*25.8% of the International Atomic Energy Agency budget to ensure safe and peaceful application of nuclear energy and prevent the illicit use of nuclear material for weapons.**22% of the World Health Organization core budget as well as significant voluntary resources, helping to prevent and control epidemics and to improve standards of health.**25% of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees budget to help protect refugees and facilitate their return home or re-settlement in another country.*25% of the International Civil Aviation Organization budget to ensure safe, efficient and economical air travel.*** These programs operate strictly on voluntary contributions.
** These programs operate on a combination of assessed and voluntary contributions.

With all the U.N. is not doing would we be better off with a total overhaul of the United Nations?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

UN says Lebanon truce may unravel

It is plain to see that the U.N. is not going to do anything. We, the U.S., needs to be all over this. Alone with what is happening in China and Iran. These two countries are getting together as allies against the western world.

Look at where this word is used in the article below.
To conceive an image or a picture of, especially as a future possibility: envisaged a world at peace.

By Laila BassamBEIRUT

(Reuters) - The United Nations said on Sunday the week-old truce between Israel and Hezbollah could easily collapse, a day after it condemned an Israeli raid on the guerrillas in Lebanon as a violation.
Senior U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen said the truce that halted the 34-day war had provided the Lebanese government with a good chance to extend its authority over all of the country.

"We also do believe that unfortunately there is a tilting edge where things very easily, within the next weeks or months, can slide out of control," Roed-Larsen told reporters in Beirut.

"This is why it's so important that all parties concerned exercise utmost restraint in this situation in order to give the Lebanese army the possibility of deploying fully along all borders of Lebanon, and particularly in the south, and also to allow the international community to provide troops."

A 30,000-strong force is envisaged for south Lebanon, made up of Lebanese and U.N. troops in equal number.U.N

. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said on Saturday Israel's commando raid on a Hizbollah stronghold deep inside Lebanon had violated the truce that came into effect on August 14.

Israel said the operation, in which commandos were airlifted into the area by helicopter, was defensive and designed to disrupt weapons supplies to Hizbollah from Syria and Iran.It

denied it had violated the U.N. truce resolution, which allows it to act in self-defense, and accused Hizbollah of a breach of the ceasefire by smuggling weapons. Continued...

If all they are going to conceive an image, especially as a future possibility, then what good are any of there resolutions? If this is how they, the U.N. handle there resolutions? To just get an image in their minds of what should be done. I say do away with the U.N. all together or get someone in there that will actually do something. Come on, how long can this go on? Isn't the U.N. seen as a joke in all the countries involved anyway?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The United Nations. What A Joke!

PARIS, France (AP) -- French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie on Friday defended France's decision to send just 200 additional troops to reinforce the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon and reiterated that the force needs a clear mandate to operate effectively.

One of the leading nations rallying over the cease fire of Israel and Lebanon really take charge.
This should be the headline above.

And the U.S. claiming victory over Hezbollah. This is one of the most outrageous things that I have ever heard in my life. Anyone with any sense to them can see that, in affect, the loss of life was a waste and a shame on Israel and the U.S.

The U.N. has been and is totally out of control and we are following right behind them.
Iran is now doing military exercises. Where do you think this will lead?

Just because other countries are in bed with Iran and Syria does not give the U.S. the right to be weak in their decisions. What in the world does Washington know that we do not that would justify their outrageous support of the U.N.

Hezbollah is now reorganizing alone with their supporters. The next round in the middle east will be a big one. In general thanks to the U.N.

How can anyone take the word of terrorists. This is totally unimaginable!

Think of it like this.
Lets let all the murderers out of jail and give them a state to reside in. Along with that we will allow them to have guns and other weapons in their state. How long do you think it would take for those murderers to cross the state line?

History clearly shows that the U.N. will do nothing but make resolutions that will not be enforced.
Here is their site for resolutions, thousands of them. Wonder how many are still waiting to be fulfilled and when was it voted on?

This came right from the U.N. site: "Unanimous vote in Security Council brings halt to hostilities, maps out path towards lasting ceasefire"

Who do they think they are kidding?

Something needs to be done. First the U.N. needs a new leader, without a doubt. How many people can actually hold a job if they continually say they will do something and don't? In the real world it would not happen but a couple of times and then we would be gone.
Kofi Annan is a joke and the ones that believe in him are a joke. But his responsibilities are not a joking matter.

Maybe Russia can help?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This Is Not A Site Set Up For Spam

I am writing this to let Google know this is not a spam site. I will have more later.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Practical Joke Gone Bad

Teens to Finish Football Season Before Going to Jail for Deer-Decoy Crash
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

KENTON, Ohio — A judge decided two high school athletes can complete the football season this fall before they serve 60-day jail sentences for a car crash caused by a decoy deer placed in a country road. Two teens were injured.ThisThis

This is unacceptable. These boys should be in jail right now!

Robert Roby Jr. crashed his car into a pole and broke his neck, collarbone, arm and leg. His passenger, Dustin Zachariah, suffered brain damage, Bailey said.

You can see the rest of the article at:,2933,208708,00.html

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Nasrallah said

"We came out victorious in a war in which big Arab armies were defeated (before)," Nasrallah said in a taped address on Hezbollah's al-Manar television.

Now was not the time to debate the disarmament of his guerilla fighters, Nasrallah declared, saying the issue should be discussed in secret sessions of the Lebanese Government to avoid serving Israeli interests.

"This is immoral, incorrect and inappropriate," he said.

"It is wrong timing on the psychological and moral level, particularly before the ceasefire," he said in reference to calls for the guerillas to disarm.

"Who will defend Lebanon in case of a new Israeli offensive?" he asked.

"The Lebanese army and international troops are incapable of protecting Lebanon," he said, flanked by Lebanese and Hezbollah flags.

But Nasrallah said he was open to dialogue about Hezbollah's weapons at the appropriate time. And he credited his group's weapons with proving to Israel that "war with Lebanon will not be a picnic. It will be very costly."

It does not look like much has changed after there war. Other than giving Hezbollah the ability to possibly become voted in as the new Lebanese Government. Then what?
The, so called, peace troops that are going to be going into southern Lebanon cannot disarm Hezbollah. So what makes them any different than the U.N. troops that where already over there before the war watching kidnappings and other activity of Hezbollah? Does any one need more pictures from there? Because that is about all those troops will be able to do!

You can read more of this article at:,20867,20144674-601,00.html

Monday, August 14, 2006

Bird Flu

U.S. Officials Believe Michigan Swans Might Carry Low-Risk Strain of Bird Flu
Monday, August 14, 2006

I am glad it is the low-risk kind.

WASHINGTON — Scientists have discovered the possible presence of bird flu in the United States — in wild swans near the banks of Lake Erie — but it does not appear to be the worrisome strain that the government has long feared.

We would not want it to be worrisome for anyone.
I wonder why this is being treated so lightly? Could it possibly hurt someone politically?
That is the way decisions are made for most politicians , isn't it?
What will this decision do to my political career. Forget about what the right thing to do is and how it will effect our country. Say They
If the bird flu has made it to the U.S.- It has made it to the U.S., that's all.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


This is the day for a new blog to start. Fanaticism seems like where most people are today. Unwilling to look at or research anything other than their own opinion that they already have. I just do not understand why everybody has to be right all the time. This does not give a person any room to grow or to learn anything. Most media is so one sided it isn't funny. Even the fair and balanced, I dare to say, is not always fair and balanced on their coverage of something. I am one that believes that life is not always how we would want it. But I believe that we are blessed here in America. We are free to choose whatever we want. Be it religion or politics. I also believe that every human being has that right. But that is not the case. Many live in countries where they are not free to choose for themselves. That in itself is a crime against humanity.
Check back for a lot more to come.
By the way you will find out that I am right on all my views also. "just kidding"