
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ramos and Compean families need your help

Wrongly imprisoned for doing their jobs as U.S. Border PatrolAgents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are today 174 daysinto their decade long prison sentences--languishing insolitary confinement--hundreds of miles away from theirfamilies.Over the last six months, both of these decorated agentshave missed their children’s birthdays, graduations, ahigh school reunion, a wedding anniversary--and whatwould have been a 12th year anniversary at theU.S. Border Patrol!Ignacio couldn't hold his son's hand and comfort him when hewas hospitalized with meningitis. Both men have forever lostprecious moments--hugs, and kisses from their adoringchildren--moments that can never be recaptured.Meanwhile, half a country away, Patty Compean and Monica Ramosheroically press on--holding their families together as bestthey can, praying that their husbands will one day return to them.

But the emotional and financial struggles are intensifyingfor both women. Only days ago I learned that Monica willsoon be losing her job (the company she works for has beensold and will be relocating). As the President of Grassfire, I am asking ALLmembers of our team to join with me in helping to bring somerelief to these two families by clicking here:

Earlier in the year, I sent out a similar request, and I wasabsolutely stunned by the outpouring of support for thesetwo families!Both Monica and Patty were blessed by the gift we presentedthem on your behalf, and expressed thankfulness to Grassfireand others for helping to lift their burden and free their husbands.Michael, a gift of $5, $10, $20 will certainly go a long wayto alleviate some of the financial strain both are feeling atthis terrible time in their lives. Click here to help:

Like before, Grassfire will disperse all monies collected (lesscredit card fees) equally between the two families in the daysahead. Michael, nothing would make me happier than to beable to send Monica and Patty a check from the Grassfire teammembers who are helping to carry their cross.Please know that Grassfire is continuing to work with Congressionalleaders to free these two dedicated family men and return themto their families. I’m hopeful that many of you will join withme in doing what we can to ease the financial weight that isupon them.Click here to help:

Thank you in advance for helping the Ramos and Compean families at thistime.

Steve Elliott
President Alliance

P.S: Monica Ramos has written an incredible entry on herFireSociety blog that I’m asking all of you to read. NOTE:While at that site, you can also find the addresses ofboth men to send each cards, prayers and well wishes.

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