NASA Has Good Pictures- Bad Information
I like looking at the pictures that NASA displays but they go to far, as most, with their use of content. In a recent article they wrote "Our own sun and planets are constructed from similar debris of supernovae that exploded in the Milky Way billions of years ago". The big bang theory is just that, a theory. Just as evolution is a theory. To many people, especially our young children, are being taught that one or more of these theories are fact when they are not. Why is creationism not even allowed to be taught in our schools as a theory also? Could it be that if this was taught that more people would see the truth of the matter and all their hard work to suppress it has been for naught. Why would we not want our children to have all the facts and not just a select part of them? This is similar to other countries that do not allow any thought to go into what they are taught other than what they are forced to be indoctrinated into. This is nothing more than brainwashing.
Labels: brainwashing., creationism, evolution, NASA, The big bang theory