Fire Society: The Truth about Global Warming
+ + The Truth about Global Warming's Steve Elliott looks into the truth about Global
warming on this week's update.
"Grassfire fully supports the very 'conservative' concept of being
good stewards of the earth. But conservatives cannot sit by silently
as Al Gore and the Climate Alarmists attempt to pull the wool of
American's eyes. The claim that global warming is a 'crisis' has
been thoroughly debunked by leading scientists around the world."
See more from Steve Elliott here:
+ + The Religion of Global Warming
College student and new Fire Society member, StarFire looks into
what he calls the 'religion' of global warming.
"A soft-spoken man comes into town, carrying his pamphlets and holy
scriptures. At first he's dismissed, but when he speaks, he has a
sincerity that belies his somewhat serene, if stodgy, exterior.
The message he preaches is one of utmost importance, and gradually
he gains attention and legitimacy from the surrounding community."
See more from StarFire here:
+ + There's much more on FireSociety this week. Be sure to take
a minute to "go home" and see the latest:
Together, we can build the best grassroots community on the web!
Sean Ivy, Editor
Labels:, Global Warming,