
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let Your Voice Be Heard

US: North Korea loading rocket on launch pad. This coming from AP .
WASHINGTON – North Korea is loading a Taepodong rocket on its east coast launch pad in anticipation of the launch of a communications satellite early next month, U.S. officials say. U.S. counterproliferation and intelligence officials have confirmed Japanese news reports of the expected launch between April 4 and 8.

North Korea announced its intention to launch the satellite in February. Regional powers worry the claim is a cover for the launch of a long-range missile capable of reaching Alaska. National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair said earlier this month that all indications suggest North Korea will in fact launch a satellite.

Our country is going to let other countries do what they want because of our invasion of Iraq.
Our leaders are leading our country down a slippery slop and they have no idea when to put on the breaks to slow down the advancement of countries with the goal of destroying the US along with Israel and any other country that do not believe as they do. Politically correct has gone to far. Our enemies have no rules of engagement. Why should they? The United Nations is a joke and I cannot see how all those people in the UN can actually believe what they are doing with warnings and sanctions after sanctions are actually doing anything whatsoever. As a poor 45 year old man I wonder if anyone thinks that we are going in the right direction? Evidently our leaders think we are. But how long do you think it will be before we, the people, have no voice at all? The electoral vote is a prime example. But we continue to believe that our government is making the best decisions for our country.
Wake up and smell the stink all around you. Each of us have a voice. Let, make, it be heard!

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

GOP Senators At Work

Despite severe economic hardship across the land, the Senate passed a massive $410 billion Omnibus Appropriations bill that contains more than 2,900 pages and more than 8,000 pork projects totaling $7.7 billion.

Passage of this irresponsible, pork-laden bill WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE had it not been for the eight RINO (Republican In Name Only) porkers who voted for the bill: .

Join The Resistance— an alliance of patriotic, resilient and determined conservatives who will not forsake their principles.

This all from:
From the Desk of:Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


AP - Acknowledging it's an "imperfect" bill, President Barack Obama said he will accept a $410 billion spending package but insisted it must signal an "end to the old way of doing business."

Would President Obama be talking about "PORK"? I would say so.
The President of the United States can do what he thinks is best for the American people, can't he?

Just so I get this right. To "PORK" spending, President Obama, says "YES WE CAN".

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