
Monday, May 28, 2007

Save Darfur Coalition Activists

Dear Reader,

Keep the
Pressure on

Ask your members of Congress to press China to use its influence to end the genocide.

Email Them Today

Over the last few weeks, Save Darfur Coalition activists have sent 151,507 emails and faxes to Fidelity Investments, calling on it to cut its ties to companies like PetroChina, that provide financial support to the genocidal Sudanese government.

The result of your hard work? Fidelity listened!

Last week, Fidelity announced that it had greatly reduced its holdings of PetroChina, one of the "highest offending" companies helping fund the genocide.

Thank you so much for contacting Fidelity and for your commitment to ending the violence. This is a truly promising development in the effort to divest for Darfur.

We must keep the pressure on the Chinese government, which is not just the majority shareholder in PetroChina, but also Sudan's largest foreign investor, a major political supporter, and a key arms provider.

In fact, the Chinese government recently demonstrated its support of the Sudanese regime by providing a $13 million loan to build Omar al-Bashir a new presidential palace. Most disturbingly, China sells arms to Sudan, weapons which are used by government forces and the Janjaweed militia to maim and kill innocent Darfuris.

It's time for China to fully invest itself in ending the genocide by using its unmatched influence to convince Sudan to cooperate with international efforts to end the violence and build a lasting peace in Darfur.

Click here to send a message urging your representatives in Washington to co-sponsor a resolution calling on China to do its part.

While Fidelity's announcement is a positive step, victory will be achieved only when the people of Darfur are safe.

And China has the power and influence to help make that possible.

China must lead the world in pressuring Sudan to follow through on its commitments to cooperate with international efforts to end the violence.

Click here to email your members of Congress and urge them to co-sponsor a resolution calling on China to help stop the violence in Darfur.

Then please forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to join you in taking action.

Thanks for your continuing support in this movement to bring lasting peace and protection to the people of Darfur.

Best regards,

David Rubenstein
Save Darfur Coalition

Donate to Help Save Darfur
Help build the political pressure needed to end the crisis in Darfur by supporting the Save Darfur Coalition's crucial awareness and advocacy programs. Click here now to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Explosion in Lebanese Christian Neighborhood Kills 1, Injures 12

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - An explosion late Sunday across the street from a busy shopping mall killed a 63-year-old woman and injured 12 other people, sending black smoke billowing in the Christian sector of the Lebanese capital, police and witnesses said.

Read Full Story Here.

See what Rick Warren thinks about that part of the world Here.

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Video of Girl's Stoning Highlights Honor Killings

A girl's very public stoning shows 'honor killings' are continuing despite laws against them. CNN's Phil Black reports. (May 17)

Be advised that the content of this video is very graphic.

To Watch Click Here

This is done in broad daylight even with laws against it. Law officials are no where to be found to stop this atrocity. This is in Iraq.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nicotine Declared As Addictive as Heroin, Cocaine

May 16, 1988: Nicotine Declared As Addictive as Heroin, Cocaine.
Nicotine serves as the tobacco plant’s natural defense against insects and, in its pure form, is more poisonous than either strychnine or arsenic. Its chemical structure is similar to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, giving it easy access to the brain’s reward and pleasure pathways. Click here for a fuller description of nicotine addiction.

Read Full Story Here


I wonder why tobacco is not marked illegal as heroin and cocaine are?

Could it be that so many people in the government are making a ton of money from tobacco which, in turn, people dying from lung cancer?

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Substitute Teacher Showed the R-rated film "Brokeback Mountain"

Chicago Board of Ed Sued for Teacher Allegedly Showing 'Brokeback Mountain' in Class.
The lawsuit claims that Jessica Turner, 12, suffered psychological distress after viewing the movie in her 8th grade class at Ashburn Community Elementary School last year.

Read Full Story Here


This, so called, teacher should not be allowed to be in a teaching roll at all. She does not have the children's well being in her thought process. Evidently she has an agenda that she wishes to impose upon whoever and it does not matter how young they are.

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